North Indian Violin& Tabla Duo Concert
時間|5/27 Sun 3:00~4:30 pm, 90min
演奏|Pablo ji /小提琴、Waka / 塔布拉鼓
費用|300 NTD
此Ragas(旋律形式)揭露了自然循環與人類體驗之間關係的豐富多變,表達了不同的情緒和心靈狀態,因此在不同的季節,甚至一天中的不同時刻,會有不同的旋律。 小提琴則是個家喻戶曉的樂器。幾百年前只用於在西洋古典音樂上、漸漸地在克爾特文化、中東、甚至印度都有演奏使用。
這次我們很榮幸邀請到才華洋溢的巴西籍小提琴家Pablo Ji來台灣與我們分享他的音樂魅力,歡迎來參加這場難得的午後Ragas音樂會吧!
The Classical Music of Northern India is an ancient tradition that combines artistry and spirituality.
It’s Ragas (melodic formulas) reveal the richness of the human experience in its relation with the cycles of nature conveying different emotions and states of mind. Thus there are different melodies for the different seasons of the year and the different hours of the day. The concerts are performed by a soloist instrument (in this case the violin) and accompanied by the Tabla which provides sophisticated and complex rhythmical cycles and variations to which the performer weaves his interpretation and connection to the specific moods of the raga.
Come enjoy the rare opportunity to listen to afternoon ragas.
Pablo ji /小提琴
里約熱內盧大學音樂碩士,治療師,作曲家,能演奏多種樂器;自2013年起,Pablo J成為來自瓦拉納西的Pt. Sukhdev Mishra的弟子。2015年起,他匯集五大洲的音樂並巡迴世界演出。
Pablo ji / Indian Violin
Master of music from the University of Rio de Janeiro, composer, multi-instrumentalist and therapist Pablo Ji has been a disciple of Pt. Sukhdev Mishra from Varanasi since 2013. Since 2015 he tours the world with a concert that brings together music from the 5 continents.
Waka (全名:若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike) / 塔布拉鼓
演奏印度塔布拉鼓Tabla已有三十年經驗。1987年起跟隨大師Shree Keshav Rao Nayak學習benares式的演奏風格,2001年後跟隨大師Shree Dilip Mukherjee學習Farkabad式的演奏風格。演出經驗豐富,曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出,並於日本及印度舉辦過無數的個人演奏會,受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰国、韓國、中國、加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏。2011年入圍金曲獎最佳演奏獎。 為了綜合性地理解印度古典音樂,2008年開始跟Buddhadev Das大師學習印度旋律樂器Esraj, 2013年開始跟Devashish Dey大師學習印度旋律理論Raga。
Waka/ Indian Tabla
Waka has been studying North Indian music on the Tabla since 1987 from Keshav Nayak and Dilip Mukherjee.
To give added depth to the understanding of Indian classical music, he has been additionally studying to play the melodious Esraj from master Buddhadev Das since 2008 and vocal from Devashish Dey since 2013.
Waka has been actively bringing Indian classical music form to Taiwan, In 2011 he was awarded as the Finalist in the Best Performance Awards, in Taiwan.
Pablo ji