
<表演預告> 9/23 艾斯拉吉琴(Esraj)與塔布拉手鼓之二重奏 @Peacestreet Community

Peacestreet Community Center Presents

Esraj & Tabla Duo Concert

Friday, September 23rd

Fee: $400 NTD


Esraj, from Eastern India, is a Bengal traditional instrument has about twenty strings. Nowadays, only a few people play this instrument. It has many strings to resonate with Bows synchronous vibrations. They emit a rich, resonating sound; kind of like a sweet voice. Tabla, is one of the most popular percussion instruments in India. It is originally from northern India, but its popularity has spread to the rest of India and neighboring countries. According to Indian music history, tabla is a young instrument. It has about three hundred to four hundred years of history. This ensemble of instruments is prominent in North Indian classical music. The combination of "Raga", which is an Indian melody system, and Indian rhythm system "Tala", contains a lot of dynamics and musical dialog through improvisation. Enjoy the world of Esraj and Tabla.

艾斯拉吉琴(Esraj),源自孟加拉的傳統擦弦樂器,約有二十根弦。撥弦時的振動產生獨特共鳴及底蘊,現已少有人演奏。它有許多產生共鳴的弦,與琴弓同步震動,發出豐富的、共鳴的、甜美的聲音。 塔布拉手鼓(Tabla) 在印度最受歡迎的打擊樂器之一。起初來自北印度,而在現今時日,於印度與鄰近國家當中漸趨流行。根據印度的歷史記載,塔布拉手鼓算是相當年輕的樂器,大約三百到四百年的歷史左右。 此兩種樂器之合奏為北印度的古典音樂型式,也直接被稱為「北印度古典音樂」。有複雜的曲式Raga、節奏Tala、並包含大量即興。有時巧妙幽微,有時渾然大器。

About the performers:

Waka (full name: Toshihiro Wakaike) / Esraj and Tabla
Waka has been studying North Indian music on the Tabla since 1987. During this time, he has performed numerous concerts and taught workshops. To give added depth to the understanding of Indian classical music, he has been additionally studying to play the melodious Esraj from master Buddhadev Das since 2008. Waka has been actively bringing Indian classical music form to Taiwan. In 2011 he was awarded as the Finalist in the Best Performance Awards, in Taiwan.

Waka (全名:若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike) / 塔布拉鼓
演奏印度塔布拉鼓Tabla已有二十年經驗。1987年起跟隨大師Shree Keshav Rao Nayak學習benares式的演奏風格,2001年後跟隨大師Shree Dilip Mukherjee學習Farkabad式的演奏風格。演出經驗豐富,曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出,並於日本及印度舉辦過無數的個人演奏會,受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰国、韓國、中國、加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏。2011年入圍金曲獎最佳演奏獎。 為了綜合性地理解印度古典音樂,2008年開始跟Buddhadev Das大師學習印度旋律樂器Esraj, 2013年開始跟Devashish Dey大師學習印度旋律理論Raga。
部落格網址: TablaWaka中文部落 http://tablawaka.blogspot.com/

Kosuke (full name: Kosuke Nakao) / Tabla
Kosuke’s first contact with Tabla was during a trip to India in 2004. In 2007 he started to study Tabla under Biplab Bhattacharriya in Kolkata and keeps visiting India ever since regularly to refine his technique. He collaborates with many artists in Japan, US, and India,including renowned masters of Indian classical music.

耿介與塔布拉第一次接觸是在2004年前往印度在2007年,他開始研究下Biplab Bhattacharriya加爾各答塔布拉並保持訪問印度自從定期完善他的技術中。他與合作在日本,美國和印度的許多藝術家,包括印度古典音樂的著名大師
