
<表演預告> 12/30 古老的北印度樂理Raga, Tala, Nada Yoga的工作坊 Raga Bhairavi


古老的北印度樂理Raga, Tala, Nada Yoga的工作坊

印度教傳統中的Raga被認為具有自然存在。藝術家不發明他們,他們只發現他們。根據印度教,音樂吸引人類,因為音樂是終極造物裡的隱藏和聲。一些古老的文本,如薩瑪吠陀Sama Veda(約公元前1000年),完全是為了旋律主題,它是Rigveda音樂組合的部份。印度教徒將Raga設想為神聖的表現形式,一個音符被象徵為具有多重身份與個性的神或女神。


這次的工作坊希望注入古時候音樂裡的靈魂,以上午時段的古典旋律Raga Bhairav告訴旋律的原理背景及故事,讓音樂與身體自然相應,共振出最佳的生理及靈性

Thaat: Bhairavi
Jati: Sampoorna-Sampoorna
Aroha: S r g m P d n Ṡ
Avaroha: Ṡ n d P m g r S
Vadi: Pa
Samavadi: Sa
Pakad: n S g M d, P g m, P g m r S
時間: 6am-9am
情感: Bhakti 信愛

Raga Bhairav介紹
聆聽Raga Bhairav及旋律冥想
唱Raga Bhairav音階
唱Raga Bhairav旋律所譜出的梵唱Kirtan


#帶領人:Waka老師(全名:若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike)

演奏印度塔布拉鼓Tabla已有三十年經驗。1987年起跟隨大師Shree Keshav Rao Nayak學習benares式的演奏風格,2001年後跟隨大師Shree Dilip Mukherjee學習Farkabad式的演奏風格。演出經驗豐富,曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之間的跨界作品演出,並於日本及印度舉辦過無數的個人演奏會,受邀於印度,孟加拉,日本,台灣,泰國,韓國,中國,加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏。2011年入圍金曲獎最佳演奏獎。為了綜合性地理解印度古典音樂,2008年開始跟Pt.Buddhadev Das大師學習印度旋律樂器Esraj,並向Pt.Devashish Dey大師學演唱的音樂Vocal,2013年開始跟Devashish Dey大師學習印度旋律理論Raga。


https://www.facebook.com/wakamusic/ Raag Bhairavi is one of the oldest and most popular Raga in India. It is often played as a last piece of the concert. Raga Bhairavi is very suitable for the end of the year 2018. "A Raga, meaning in Sanskrit "coloring, tingeling, dyeing", is a melody system from India. Many of Ragas in North India are played at a certain time of the day, according to a certain mood and often with a specific weather. Thus, many different ragas can be played along the day. Ragas follow different music scales, based on the Indian music system, and they focus on specific chakras. Ragas, in the Hindu tradition, are believed to have a natural existence. Artists don't invent them, they only discover them. Music appeals to human beings, according to Hinduism, because they are hidden harmonies of the ultimate creation. Some of its ancient texts such as the Sama Veda (~1000 BCE) are structured entirely to melodic themes, it is sections of Rigveda set to music. The ragas were envisioned by the Hindus as manifestation of the divine, a musical note treated as god or goddess with complex personality. During the Bhakti movement of Hinduism, dated to about the middle of 1st millennium CE, raga became an integral part of a musical pursuit of spirituality. Bhajan and Kirtan were composed and performed by the early South India pioneers. A Bhajan has a free form devotional composition based on melodic ragas. A Kirtan is a more structured team performance, typically with a call and response musical structure, similar to an intimate conversation. It includes two or more musical instruments,[ and incorporates various ragas such as those associated with Hindu gods Shiva (Bhairava) or Krishna (Hindola). #Workshop Description: -listen to Raga Bhairav and Maditate -learn about the Raga Bhairav, its structure and rhythms -sing along the Raga Bhiairav with Indian note and -sing along to the kirtan composed under Raga Bhairav #Time: Sunday, Dec. 30th, 10:30-12:30 #Price: -Old Student NT600 -Early bird before 12/24 or Sign up with a friend NT$800/each -Normal NT1,000 #SignUp: please transfer your deposit $500 to Bank Sinopac Code. 807, Account No. 121﹣004﹣0066785﹣2 and notify your account's last 5 digits. #Note: the workshop will happen when minimum 5 person sign up. Should it not open this time, please be invited to attend to the next session. #Facilitator:Waka has been studying North Indian music on the Tabla since 1987 from Keshav Nayak and Pt.Dilip Mukherjee. To give added depth to the understanding of Indian classical music, he has been additionally studying to play the melodious Esraj from master Pt.Buddhadev Das since 2008 and vocal from Pt.Devashish Dey.
