
<表演預告> 8/26 北印度音樂工作坊:Raga旋律 Morning Raga Jaunpuri 及 修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga

北印度音樂工作坊:Raga旋律 Morning Raga Jaunpuri 及 修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga

時間:2018/8/26(日) 早上10:00-12:00
地點: Peacestreet Community, 台北市和平東路三段83號三楼

關於 Ragas
在北印度音樂的系統中,Raga 是一種旋律,會針對每一天不同時段,搭配相對應的音階,並且根據特定的天氣和心情而演奏。所以在一天之內,會有許多不同的 Ragas 被演奏。

Ragas 和瑜珈之間的關聯性:
如同瑜伽的體位對應了脈輪,Ragas 也有對應的脈輪。每一個瑜珈體位,都會連結到 Ragas 所要對應的脈輪,這會為每一次的瑜珈帶來更多能量。另外,修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga 的延展性和支撐的姿勢,會深層地放鬆身體,幫助安頓心靈 — 這會讓身體更加地開展、更能享受修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga 的質地。

- 了解印度音樂的音調以及脈絡
- 了解 Raga Jaunpuri 的結構以及意涵
- 享受40分鐘的修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga 音樂,連結 Raga 的脈輪系統

Waka (若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike) & Anne Dewees

Waka (若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike)
從 1987 年開始,Waka 向 Keshav Nayak 和國寶級塔布拉鼓演奏家 Pt. Dilip Mukherjee 學習北印度音樂中的塔布拉鼓 Indian Tabla。為了更進一步地瞭解印度古典音樂,他從 2008 年和大師 Pt.Buddhadev Das 學習艾斯拉吉琴 Esraj;2013年和大師 Pt. Devashish Dey 學習印度旋律理論Raga。Waka 將印度古典音樂帶來台灣已經好幾年了,2011 年他在台灣入圍金曲獎最佳演奏獎。

Anne Dewees
Anne是一位哈達瑜伽 hatha yoga 老師、歌手以及音樂工作者。她非常享受於探索身體的運動、聲音以及冥想之間的關聯性。

Introduction to North Indian Music : Morning Raga Jaunpuri and Restorative Yoga

Time: Sunday, August 26th, 10:00-12:00
Place: Peacestreet Community, Taipei city, Heping East Rd sec 3 #83 3rd fl
Price: 600NTD

About Ragas:
In the Indian music system, a Raga is a melody that is played along a specific scale at a precise time of the day, according to a certain mood and often a specific weather. Thus, many different ragas can be played along the day.

About the connection between Ragas and Yoga:
Ragas focus on specific chakras, as yoga asanas do. Engaging into asanas that follow the chakras pattern of the raga gives even more power to the practice. As Restorative yoga enables the body to deeply relax with long and supported poses, helping the mind to settle, it opens the body even more to enjoy the quality of the raga.

In this workshop, you will:
- Learn about Indian music scales and patterns
- Learn about the Raga Nat Jaunpuri, its structure and signification
- Enjoy the music during a 40 minutes restorative yoga session, connected to the chakra system of the Raga.

Facilitators: Waka & Anne

# Waka has been studying North Indian music on tabla since 1987 from Keshav Nayak and Pt. Dilip Mukherjee. To give added depth to the understanding of Indian classical music, he has also been studying Esraj from master Pt.Buddhadev Das since 2008, and vocal from Pt. Devashish Dey since 2013. Waka has been actively bringing Indian classical music to Taiwan for many years. In 2011, he was awarded as the Finalist of the Best Performance Awards in Taiwan.

# Anne is a hatha yoga practitioner, a singer and a music practitioner. She enjoys exploring the connections between body movement, sound and meditation.
