
8/14 跨界曲調之美 -Thousand melodies from one violin-

上半場:小提琴獨奏 古今中外音樂
下半場:北印度古典音樂 小提琴+塔布拉鼓


脇田輝 (violin)
自幼開始演奏小提琴,師從爵士小提琴家大矢貞男先生。涉獵廣泛如凱爾特、北歐、吉普賽、地中海、中東、昭和歌謠等不同音樂類型,隨後鍾情北印度古典音樂、醉心於其自由即興性及優美的旋律曲線。2013年赴印拜師北印度古典音樂首席小提琴手N.Rajam女士、及其孫女Ragini Shankar女士,學習以小提琴仿效人聲之印度古典樂、及印度五弦電提琴等多樣技法,將帶領聽眾重新認識弓弦樂器,並感受別於西洋古典樂的新魅力。

Wakita Hikaru is a violinist who began studying the violin at young age, and has studied Jazz music under the Jazz violinist, Mr. Sadao Ohya. Having influence from various music genres such as Kelt, Scandinavia, Gypsy, Mediterranean, Arabian, Showa Kayo, Wakita Hikaru was then fascinated by the flexible improvisation and the elegant melody of Hindustani Classical Music. He has started studying with Dr. N.Rajam, who is regarded as an Indian top violinist, and her grand daughter Ragini Shankar since 2013. His expressive violin performance presents diverse cultures and styles; notably, he has learned the ability mimicking the vocal melody by violin from his teacher from India. He also uses Indian-music tuned five strings violin, and explores his own unique style which is different from Western Classical music style.
