
<表演預告> 多邊蔓延Fractals』9/6台北場,早鳥票7折啟動,至7/15截止喔

世界軌跡樂團 X 兩項金曲得主 X 2013全新年度製作

09/06 Fri. 19:30
Price: $400 / 600 / 800

FB: https://www.facebook.com/orbitfolks


多邊蔓延結合台灣最具潛力的新生代擊樂團體『Nana Formosa擊樂二重奏』,由旅台多年的比利時音樂總監吳馬丁(Martijn Vanbuel)共同策劃製作,除了原有的爵士民族混搭,今年將深入幾何圖像,一探其­中之複雜節拍世界,幾何邊形的音樂流串、多邊形的節奏圖騰聲影,猶如幾何圖像萬花筒,­一一呈現出音樂藝術另一面原貌與張力。
主曲『螞蟻社會The Ant Colony』靈感來自螞蟻群體分工的社會體系,隱喻著人類腦中神經的傳達與串連。馬­丁巧妙的運用音符以及節拍,捕捉這錯綜複雜卻又環環相扣的,大自然最深奧的圖像。

With their latest project "Fractals" Orbit Folks will take their music on a totally different direction, most notably by collaborating with contemporary percussion duo Nana Formosa.
Fractals in essence are fairly simple mathematical calculations that are applied to a kind of graphic idea.
Sometimes these beautiful fractal shapes seem totally random, but actually have a very systematic calculation behind them. This made bandleader and composer Martijn Vanbuel wonder about the musical possibilities of such concepts and he started experimenting.
Already in the jazz tradition often there are used very simple mathematical calculations to obtain new rhythmic ideas. In Indian classical music it has been going on for ages, and sometimes the calculations can get pretty complex. In Orbit Folks "Fractals" these calculations merely serve as the scaffoldings on which melodies are constructed, widely decorated with sounds you might have heard before in African, Indian and Indonesian music, Chinese Hakka music, folk, jazz, post-rock, etc...
One of the main songs"The Ant Colony" takes inspiration from the book "Godel, Escher, Bach" , in which the ant colony serves as a metaphor for the human brain. Just like ants (and neurons), one music note by itself doesn't mean anything, but many, many of them together can achieve wonderful things. Hopefully this time Orbit Folks can discover the notes inside the ants, awaken the ants inside your brain, and expose the fractals inside the music.
