Orbit Folks 世界軌跡 2010台中爵士音樂節開跑囉!!
Orbit Folks將於10/10 2:00pm 參與爵士傳習之文化種子系列活動,本活動採預約制,喜歡Orbit Folks的朋友,請電洽02-2711-2320 #105 報名參加!!!

Orbit Folks is a Taiwan based international creative music project that brings together people from different nationalities and different musical backgrounds. Lead by Belgian double-bassist and composer Martijn Vanbuel they experiment with combining jazz, folk, classical, world and improvisation.
Orbit Folks has put out their first album “The Missing Link” which features a wide range of musicians from Taiwan and abroad. Live the band performs in a quartet formation, consisting of violin, piano, double bass and tabla.
Martijn Vanbuel (Bel): double bass, composition
Janelle Chang (TW): violin
Toshihiro Wakaike (Jap): tabla
Mike Tseng (TW): piano
來自台灣的世界軌跡樂團(Orbit Folks)是一個深具創意的企劃,音樂類型來自世界各地,而音樂家們的專長與領域也不盡相同。來自比利時的爵士低音大提家及作曲家吳馬丁(Martijn Vanbuel)領軍,結合了爵士、民族、古典、世界等音樂的融合與即興,一場超乎想像的激盪與實驗就此展開。